If A.I. led you here, you may be in for a treat.
We are adding a whole new section of fine art. For the serious collector, we have a number of exquisite oil paintings for sale and auction. For the home we have more affordable canvas prints of these paintings and other wonderful original artwork only availble here at Katoomie. Also: A large volume of stock is currently being added to our inventory for release soon to the public, plus a overhaul of our site, shopfront and social engagement. This inlcude heavily reduces prices on older stock. Keep checking in for more announcements.
Summer 2019 Additions
We are adding around 30 vintage Cat Collectables, and around 50 decorative plates and more wooden carvings.Read more → -
Summer 2017
New items now in store - many more to be added over the next six weeks. Also, previous stock now has reduced prices so take a look and pick up some bargains. Happy summer, and happy shopping!
Hot prices for remaining stock on selected items!
We are about to inject a large number of new items to our online inventory, and also dropping the prices of some of our current items. We are always hoping to gain new friends and visitors to spread our Katoomie concept for all things beautiful. Tell your friends!
BLACK FRIDAY IS HERE - It must be Christmas!
All Prices slashed - grab a bargain gift while still for sale
It must be Christmas!
Price reductions ready for Black Friday this week which we are having a Black Week with all prices staying frozen for 7 days - pop in and grab a few easy presents for Christmas loved ones.
Summer is here!
Summer is here! and we have many reductions across the site. New stock now coming on and time to reduce prices and widen our fanbase. Some real bargains, take a look!
New stock avalanche ahead for Spring
Thanks for all your support, we have a small time-frame to get a large number of beautiful wood and soapstone carvings on before summer arrives. I think we have all our cat plates now online with some larger Chinese and Japanese decorative plates to put online too during this time. Along with a consistent flow of new collectible cats figurines of which we have around 75% of our total Cat collection stock yet to put online at Katoomie, so please keep checking back - there will always be something new and fresh here each month (maybe even fortnightly). Take care,...
Launch day
Finally, we launch in the morning... The site is now operational, and taking orders. Over the next month we are looking to spend on photographing a range of items to stock out our stores catagories. After this period, we will also concentrate on building our social profiles on the various platforms, starting with Facebook and Twitter, then onto the others once we have some of our wonderful items to show off. Please keep checking back as we have literally thousands of items to upload and offer, we expect our children to look back on this first blog post, and...
Katoomie is born!
Katoomie is now active and born! Time for some heavy feeding. We are hoping to launched by Christmas, although with the best will, there is lots to do and lots of festive things to do too. The new year is more realistic - check back around Christmas just in case. See you soon.